Meet Cynthy, a manager extraordinaire and a driving force of Magpies women’s football at Magpies Football Club. Her behind-the-scenes efforts are nothing short of amazing, making her a cherished asset.

Beyond her regular managerial duties, Cynthy has taken on the crucial role of ‘Females in Sport Coordinator’ for the past two seasons. A passionate advocate for gender equality in football, she is not just a manager, but a trailblazer dedicated to bridging the gap between senior women’s football and junior girls’ football. As a senior women’s player herself, Cynthy understands the importance of fostering a supportive environment for the next generation of female athletes.

Cynthy’s dedication has led to the creation of girls-only teams, with plans for full-time teams in the upcoming year. Currently, young girls train and play alongside boys, but Cynthy is working tirelessly to enhance the Females in Football department, ensuring that girls have their own space to thrive and play. Her efforts extend beyond the field, where she brings senior players to support and encourage the younger generation.

Her inspiration is drawn from various sources, with her mum’s unconditional love serving as a foundation into adulthood. Erin Mulherin and Barbara Lawrence’s advice about leadership has empowered Cynthy to lead in ways that resonate with her, regardless of titles or positions.

Cynthy’s biggest inspiration, however, comes from her daughter. Despite facing a critical blood condition last year, her daughter’s passion and resilience shone through. Cynthy found strength in witnessing her daughter’s determination, driving hours to sit on the sidelines and support her teammates, showcasing the true spirit of sportsmanship.

On International Women’s Day, Cynthy’s message is clear: “Hold each other up, support each other. When women come together, we are capable of great things.” She values organisations that champion the cause of women and girls, believing that the future holds even greater accomplishments as we unite and uplift one another.